In a biometric world where the interaction between the evolving environment and the collecting of biological samples is becoming increasingly close, the project provides multiple perspectives to examine different realities through different design formats.​​​​​​​
Each position is based on the collection of a different biometric sample and its investigation. The formal design and conceptual experiment raises sensitive issues about our future in a world saturated with biometric data, when disclosing personal information is routine.
Does medical confidentiality really exist nowadays? Blood samples from donors reveal a continuous stream of data that transforms into a haptic texture. The distinctive positions of each donor's blood cells are reminiscent of selfies, wearing the "inside" outwards, they become endless patterns that can adorn fashion collections. Clinical medical terminology and threatening findings replace the slogans that are usually emblazoned on shirts, providing the outside world a deeper understanding about the individual.
Will exposure to bio-fertilizer allow plants to grow more like us? Human waste that is currently utilized as compost undergoes natural biological decomposition and becomes high-quality organic manure that can be used for crops. The DNA of the sample donor is carried in fecal and urine samples, and the plant exposed to biological fertilizer in these experiments begins to develop a visual resemblance to the donor; Leaves grow as human embroidery in the pattern of the donor's fingerprints. Other leaves change color according to the color of the donor's eyes, some develop hair follicles  and some respond to touch, remembering the familiar human warmth and changing color like a chameleon to the color of the donor.
Design and development of a series of ceramic tools featuring a special substance that allow the user to imprint the tool once and produce the perfect grip for the particular user.
Personalization in the era of mass production under the hypothesis that treating the product as an extension of the body: organic, human, living and breathing will contribute to user personalization both metaphorically and function.​​​​​​​
The product attempts to provide true customization for the user, both in the visual aspect by choosing the exact shade of the skin color and physically by assimilating the user's distinctive characteristics, including his fingerprints on the tool itself. In the practical aspect, the soft material hardens after the imprint and produces the most comfortable grip for the user. The heat of the liquid inside the vessel simulates a warm and vivid feeling of "skin-on-skin" contact when holding it. The end result is a reminder of a more biometric, more human world, with the line between body and product becoming increasingly blurred.​​​​​​​
A saliva sample can offer precise percentage segmentation of our ancestors and heritage. Each origin brings with it a distinct accent distinguished by distinct sounds.
'The Melting Pot Accent' is an algorithm service that uses our genetic information to create a one-of-a-kind "Super-accent" by fusing sounds from various origins into a single voice track that reveals how the sample donor's accent would sound if it "remembered" the many accents that make up his family tree.

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